FTU-TB bicenter junk mill, dressed with carbide inserts, is designed to underream alluminium alloy plug bridge.
Bicenter junk mill consists of a body made of high-strength alloy steel and cutting-crushing braze of crushed tungsten carbide and carbide inserts and buttons in a nickel/brass matrix. Blades are overdrift for more efficient wellbore cleanout.
It has thread connection at the upper part of the body, and circulation ports and relevant watercourses for better cooling and more efficient removal of the cuttings at the lower face and the flank.
BITTEKHNIKA, whose policy is one of continuous improvement, reserves the right to discontinue or change designs and specifications without notice or written incurring obligations. Therefore, the below figures are meant to serve as a guide only. Additional sizes are available. For a complete listing, contact us: sales@bittekhnika.ru.